Goodbye Summer 2014

summer I think we can all agree that summer was a bit of a late bloomer this year. From late night hangouts with friends, squished between thousands at a music festival, tanning all day at the beach, going away for a weekend camping trip, etc., many find summer to be the most memorable time of the year. My music taste tends to come in seasonal waves. While I mostly prefer rock and indie acts, which you can probably tell by my previous posts, there’s something about the laid back, almost nostalgic nature of summer that encourages me to bring other genres into the mix. From old to new, from hip hop to country, here’s what made my summer a good one. Continue reading →

2013 in Music

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2013 was a great year in music. A flood of new bands came onto the music scene. New songs were released from old favourites. Other artists changed the game through their released work.

While there have been some music downfalls, there have more than enough music triumphs to wash the bad ones out of our memories and shine on their own merit.  In no particular order, here are my top fifty songs of 2013.

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Fall 2013 Playlist

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        With the lowering of temperatures lately, it’s clear that winter is approaching. Rather than be sad about the plants dying, the days getting shorter, and having to see white for the next few months, let’s enjoy these last few weeks of fall we have left. What better way to celebrate something than through music?

Here is the playlist that I’ll be using to say a sweet farewell to my favourite time of year: Continue reading →

Paul McDonald at Music City Roots: Live from the Loveless Cafe

Paul McDonald Music City Roots

I have only watched American Idol a handful of times.  While I have never become hooked onto it, I did find an artist in Season 8 that I really liked, Paul McDonald.  He’s a real cool dude with a raspy voice and a folk-rock, bluesy style of song.  While I loved his covers of Maggie May and Folsom Prison Blues on Idol, I believe that McDonald has enough talent and ability to captivate audiences on his own merit.

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The Joy Formidable at JBTV Studios

JBTV Joy Formidable

One of the things I love about living in the Chicago area is the many music venues the city offers and the allure they give for bands to come visit. Continue reading →